North Carolina Republican House Speaker moves Democrat to basement office

22 September 2023

RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) – House Speaker Tim Moore (R-Cleveland) reassigned Democratic Rep. Terence Everitt to a basement office in the legislative building on Thursday, weeks after Everitt called for a criminal investigation related to an affair involving Moore. 

The reassignment came the same day the legislature was voting on North Carolina’s budget.  

In a letter to Rep. Everitt, Moore said the decision came after he heard there was “an altercation” between Everitt and another Democrat earlier in the week. You can read the full letter below:

“I am also informed that you were somewhat concerned about your physical safety and were looking for various points of refuge in which to hide from that member during your retreat from the confrontation,” Moore writes in the letter. 

Earlier this week, Everitt called out Sen. Paul Lowe (D-Forsyth) on X (formerly known as Twitter) for being the only Senate Democrat not to sign onto a letter vowing to oppose a proposed bill that would have made Medicaid expansion contingent on legalizing four more casinos in North Carolina.  


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Sen. Lowe later said he did support the position, and Everitt deleted his post. 

Carolina Journal reporter Alex Baltzegar said on Wednesday he witnessed Sen. Lowe going to Rep. Everitt’s office to try to speak to him, apparently about the issue. 

“In the fifty-plus years that the General Assembly has met in this legislative building this office has not been utilized as a member office, so you will get the honor of adding a chapter in the rich history of these hallowed halls,” Moore writes in the letter. The office Rep. Everitt now occupies used to be a supply closet. 

House Democratic Leader Rep. Robert Revies wrote a letter back to Moore regarding the move noting that Sen. Lowe and Rep. Everitt had a discussion about the post on X but simply “agreed to disagree” and moved on from it. Rep. Reives also said he thought Moore was “joking” when he’d heard about the idea Wednesday night. 

Last month, Rep. Everitt wrote a letter to Wake County District Attorney Lorrin Freeman asking her to conduct a criminal investigation regarding a lawsuit Scott Lassiter filed against Speaker Moore, in which Lassiter alleged Moore was abusing his position of power for personal benefit. After the lawsuit was filed, Moore acknowledged he had a relationship with Lassiter’s wife but denied abusing his position. 

The lawsuit was resolved earlier this year, but none of the parties involved have disclosed how. 

Freeman declined to pursue a case against Moore. She told CBS 17 in July, “At this time, based on a review of the complaint filed in the civil action, there are no allegations that would give rise to a criminal investigation or prosecution.” 

In a phone call, Rep. Everitt told CBS 17 he found out about the move Thursday afternoon as the House was still debating the state budget. He said he was never concerned about his safety. 

Sen. Lowe wrote a letter to Speaker Moore regarding Rep. Everitt saying “all is behind us.”  

“If it makes them feel better, I’m sorry he’s so incredibly thin-skinned and weak,” said Everitt. “That’s who he is and this is who I am.”  

Everitt added, “What I think is more useful of our time is to have a serious debate about this budget.” 

District Attorney Freeman informed Everitt soon after his request for an investigation that her office would not be pursuing the matter. 

“I’m not the Wake County DA, but I would bet that what’s happening today is why she didn’t pursue it. They wouldn’t take her office, but they’d find a way to punish her,” said Everitt. 

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